Hertfordshire Geological Society

We record our Zoom talks, when the speaker permits us to do so.

All recorded talks are accessible to members through our Members’ Section

We welcome visitors so if you would like to come along please contact us.

If you enjoy the talk and are interested in becoming a member then take a look at our Membership page or get in touch.


We normally meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at Oaklands College in St Albans. The talks are on a wide range of Earth Science topics, given by people who are experts in their field.

During COVID-19 restrictions we held our meetings over Zoom. Now restrictions have been removed we have resumed face to face meetings, using Zoom during the winter months.

Please check our Calendar for full details of our exciting 2024 programme of talks.


50th anniversary lecture on More adventures in the Lambeth Group – how understanding stratigraphy helps engineering understanding
given by Dr. Jackie Skipper, Geotechnical Consulting Group & GSL William Smith Medal Winner


Talk on Scotland’s Greatest Ice Age
given by Emeritus Professor Ian Fairchild, University of Birmingham

HGS Annual General Meeting followed by refreshments and Launch of the Hertfordshire 50th anniversary book

48th Percy Evans Lecture on Is Epping Forest a Nunatak?
given by Mike Lambert, HGS Honorary President

Talk on Sea Level Change in the Anthropocene
given by Dr. Colin Summerhayes, Emeritus Associate, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge

Talk on Adventures of an Argon geochronologist: Why do we date rocks?
given by Dr Sarah Sherlock, Senior Research Fellow, The Open University


Talk on Subsurface water flow through Hertfordshire TBC
given by Dan Matthews, Mott MacDonald Engineering

Talk on Icelandic volcanoes title TBC
given by Emeritus Professor Hazel Rymer, The Open University

Talk on Fossil pollen from flowering plants and tropical rainforests title TBC
given by Dr Luke Mander, Senior lecturer, The Open University

7:45 pm:

Zoom talk on The Onset of Modern-Style Plate Tectonics
given by Professor Craig Storey, University of Portsmouth

Zoom talk on The value & potential of the UK’s dinosaur track sites
given by Professor Richard Butler, University of Birmingham

or check our Events Calendar

Previous Talks from 2024
Previous Talks from 2023
Talks from Previous Years