Ammonites – mythology to modern era
Zoom Talkgiven by Dr Mick Oates (Retired: BG) Abstract: Ammonites are a popular subject, as they are both common and rather attractive planispiral fossils. So it is no surprise that they […]
Hertfordshire Geological Society
given by Dr Mick Oates (Retired: BG) Abstract: Ammonites are a popular subject, as they are both common and rather attractive planispiral fossils. So it is no surprise that they […]
given by Dr Colin Prosser (Principle Specialist in Geoconservation, Natural England). Rearranged from October 2020. Abstract: The UK is extremely geodiverse with many geological features and sites of international, national […]
given by Tony Doré (Global Chief Scientist, Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI), Abstract: Meeting burgeoning global energy demand while mitigating anthropogenic climate change must overcome the challenges of […]
given by Dr Bethan Davies (Royal Holloway, University of London) Abstract: Understanding how the last British-Irish Ice Sheet behaved in response to external climatic forcing may be used as an […]
given by Dr. Neil Adams (University of Oxford Natural History Museum) Abstract: A repeated response to abrupt climate warming among vertebrates is body size reduction, which has been observed in […]
given by Prof. Steve Sparks (University of Bristol). Abstract: The volcanic eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (1995 to 2010) is one of the most detailed studied eruptions of […]
given by Jo Conway (Herts County Council & HGS). Abstract: The talk is based on one presented recently as the summary of my dissertation topic for the Masters course in […]
Progress so far; understanding the risks; and how technology, planning and logistics help address the challenges of tunnelling through a highly fractured chalk aquifer. given by David Eve (ALIGN, Head […]
given by Dr. Tony Waltham, travelling geologist. Abstract: A long and varied history of great canal construction extended throughout the 1800s, and included the first attempt at a canal across […]
with a focus on the micropalaeontology and geochemistry given by Dr. Steve Stukins (Senior Curator Micropalaeontology, Natural History Museum, London) Abstract: A new UK Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) lagerstätte has been […]
Tune in to In Touch to hear HGS member Mike Lambert talking about access to museums.
given by Prof. Mark Williams (University of Leicester). Abstract: The Holocene Epoch was a time of growing human population, urbanisation, agriculture and industry. But over the past 200 years, and […]