Science driven by conflict
Zoom TalkFollowed our 2021 AGM and given by Haydon Bailey (HGS). This talk was not recorded.
Hertfordshire Geological Society
Followed our 2021 AGM and given by Haydon Bailey (HGS). This talk was not recorded.
given by Linda Hamling. View this talk in the Members' Section.
given by Dr Peter Wigley (Consultant for Lynx Information Systems & co-author of Strata. - William Smith's Geological Maps. Strata. - William Smith's Geological Maps cover Abstract William Smith (1769–1839), […]
The Chalk of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire belongs to a sedimentary basin distinct from, and yet closely related to, other late Cretaceous basins in southern England. For many years, geologists attempted to fit the southern biostratigraphy onto the northern succession; rather like fitting a square peg in a round hole!
Given by Mike Howgate (HGS). Abstract: To most interested lay-people and even most vertebrate palaeontologists the theory that birds arose from a group of Theropod dinosaurs is now regarded as […]
given by Dr Mick Oates (Retired: BG) Abstract: Ammonites are a popular subject, as they are both common and rather attractive planispiral fossils. So it is no surprise that they […]
given by Dr Colin Prosser (Principle Specialist in Geoconservation, Natural England). Rearranged from October 2020. Abstract: The UK is extremely geodiverse with many geological features and sites of international, national […]
given by Tony Doré (Global Chief Scientist, Energy & Geoscience Institute (EGI), Abstract: Meeting burgeoning global energy demand while mitigating anthropogenic climate change must overcome the challenges of […]
given by Dr Bethan Davies (Royal Holloway, University of London) Abstract: Understanding how the last British-Irish Ice Sheet behaved in response to external climatic forcing may be used as an […]
given by Dr. Neil Adams (University of Oxford Natural History Museum) Abstract: A repeated response to abrupt climate warming among vertebrates is body size reduction, which has been observed in […]
given by Prof. Steve Sparks (University of Bristol). Abstract: The volcanic eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat (1995 to 2010) is one of the most detailed studied eruptions of […]
given by Jo Conway (Herts County Council & HGS). Abstract: The talk is based on one presented recently as the summary of my dissertation topic for the Masters course in […]